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Past CMEs From 2020:

CME: 2020-12-30T02:24:00-CME-001
This CME was not detected at Earth!
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: Small eruption on the Earth-facing disk after 2020-12-30T01:00Z, east of AR12795 near S20E08, as best seen by SDO/AIA 193/211 and STEREO-A EUVI 195 (towards the Western limb of the STEREO-A-facing disk). The shock front is possibly seen in COR2A after 2020-12-30T02:00Z, but it is very difficult to measure given the CME is faint and the apparent brightness of the western streamer.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2021-01-02T15:55Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- ---- 2020-12-30T18:05Z 69.83 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Austin Skipper (GSFC) Detail
2021-01-02T02:11Z ---- ---- 2020-12-31T16:30Z 33.68 Max Kp Range: 4.0 - 5.0
SARM Marlon Nunez (UMA) Detail
2021-01-02T09:03Z ---- ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 4.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2021-01-02T09:03Z ---- ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 4.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-12-07T16:24:00-CME-001
Actual Shock Arrival Time: 2020-12-10T01:29Z
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: This CME is associated with a C7.4 flare from AR 2790 (S23W11) that peaked at 2020-12-07T16:32Z. The eruption signature of this event can be seen in SDO AIA 193/304 starting as early 2020-12-07T15:30Z. The chosen start time for this CME event is the initial time it was observed in STEREO A COR2 imagery since SOHO LASCO data was unaavailable during real-time analysis. ARRIVAL SIGNATURE: Beginning at 2020-12-10T01:29Z, DSCOVR detects magnetic field strength increases to 10 nT, solar wind speed jumps from 450 to 600 km/s, density jumps to over 20/cc, and temperatures jump to over 300,000 K. Similar signatures are seen by ACE at the same time.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-12-09T05:23Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) -20.10 ---- 2020-12-07T20:49Z 52.67 Max Kp Range: 5.0 - 8.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Michelangelo Romano (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-09T22:55Z -2.57 ---- 2020-12-07T23:00Z 50.48 ---- SARM Colin Komar (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-09T08:00Z -17.48 ---- 2020-12-08T04:10Z 45.32 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (BoM) Duty Forecaster (ASWFC) Detail
2020-12-09T16:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) -9.48 70.0 2020-12-08T06:21Z 43.13 Max Kp Range: 6.0 - 8.0
Cone + HAF (SEPC, NSSC, CAS) Jingjing Wang (NSSC SEPC) Detail
2020-12-09T03:32Z (-7.0h, +12.0h) -21.95 ---- 2020-12-08T07:00Z 42.48 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-12-10T00:23Z (-9.0h, +7.0h) -1.10 ---- 2020-12-08T07:15Z 42.23 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-12-09T07:22Z (-5.3h, +7.1h) -18.12 99.0 2020-12-08T08:08Z 41.35 ---- DBM Mateja Dumbovic (Hvar Obs) Detail
2020-12-09T17:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) -8.48 90.0 2020-12-08T09:57Z 39.53 Max Kp Range: 4.0 - 6.0
Other (SIDC) Yaireska Collado (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-09T21:00Z (-9.0h, +9.0h) -4.48 80.0 2020-12-08T10:30Z 38.98 Max Kp Range: 4.0 - 6.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-12-10T06:03Z 4.57 ---- 2020-12-08T11:02Z 38.45 ---- CAT-PUMA Jiajia Liu (QUB) Detail
2020-12-09T19:00Z -6.48 ---- 2020-12-08T12:30Z 36.98 Max Kp Range: 5.0 - 7.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (NOAA/SWPC) Yaireska Collado (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-09T19:45Z -5.73 ---- 2020-12-08T15:22Z 34.12 ---- SPM2 Xinhua Zhao (NSSC CAS) Detail
2020-12-09T22:00Z -3.48 ---- 2020-12-08T15:24Z 34.08 ---- SPM Xinhua Zhao (NSSC CAS) Detail
2020-12-09T06:54Z (-6.0h, +8.0h) -18.58 100.0 2020-12-08T16:55Z 32.57 Max Kp Range: 5.0 - 7.0
Ensemble WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Austin Skipper (GSFC) Detail
2020-12-09T05:00Z -20.48 ---- 2020-12-09T01:04Z 24.42 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (KSWC) RWC Jeju (KSWC) Detail
2020-12-09T17:00Z -8.48 90.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 5.0 - 7.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-12-09T15:13Z -10.27 87.8 --- --- Max Kp Range: 4.83333 - 7.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-12-01T07:12:00-CME-001
This CME was not detected at Earth!
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: Filament eruption from AR12787 starting after 2020-12-01T06:30Z as seen by SDO/AIA 094/131/171/193/211/304, and by STEREO-A EUVIA 195. Front enters into the field of view of SOHO C2 at 2020-12-01T07:12Z, C3 at 2020-12-01T08:06Z. The CME front appears as a partial halo in STEREO-A COR2 at 2020-12-01T08:39Z, which is the first available image after a data gap that started at 2020-12-01T07:45Z. The DSCOVR and ACE data are remarkably different for the in-situ signature. DSCOVR data seems to have erroneous sharp increases. From the ACE data, we cannot identify any shock or ICME on Dec 3-5.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-12-04T06:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) ---- 50.0 2020-12-01T16:12Z 61.80 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 5.0
Other (SIDC) Colin Komar (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-04T21:28Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- ---- 2020-12-01T19:14Z 74.23 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Colin Komar (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-03T20:29Z ---- ---- 2020-12-01T19:22Z 49.12 Max Kp Range: 4.5 - 5.0
SARM Marlon Nunez (UMA) Detail
2020-12-05T00:00Z ---- ---- 2020-12-01T21:33Z 74.45 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (KSWC) RWC Jeju (KSWC) Detail
2020-12-04T13:27Z (-3.92h, +5.33h) ---- 6.0 2020-12-02T00:18Z 61.15 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
Ensemble WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Michelangelo Romano (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-04T02:04Z (-9.0h, +9.0h) ---- ---- 2020-12-02T02:00Z 48.07 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-12-03T20:34Z (-9.0h, +9.0h) ---- ---- 2020-12-02T02:15Z 42.32 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-12-04T04:50Z ---- ---- 2020-12-02T07:51Z 44.98 ---- SPM Xinhua Zhao (NSSC CAS) Detail
2020-12-04T02:27Z ---- 22.0 2020-12-02T08:05Z 42.37 ---- SPM2 Xinhua Zhao (NSSC CAS) Detail
2020-12-04T07:28Z ---- 26.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.625 - 4.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-12-04T04:50Z ---- 22.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-11-29T13:24:00-CME-001
Actual Shock Arrival Time: 2020-12-01T21:00Z
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: An eruption from the active region beyond the southeastern limb of the Earth-facing disk resulted in a M4.4 flare that peaked at 2020-11-29T13:11Z. This eruption resulted in a CME in the SE of STEREO-A COR2A (partial halo) and in the east of SOHO C2 starting around 2020-11-29T13:24Z; the CME front can later be seen in SOHO C3 at 2020-11-29T13:30Z. (NOTE: The time of this CME has been updated to 2020-11-29T13:24Z as that is the first available image the CME is seen in STEREO-A COR2; the originally input time was 2020-11-29T13:00Z.) Lan Jian - I think there may be a shock near 21UT on Dec 1. DSCOVR data show sharp increases of Np, V, and Tp at the time. After the shock, there seems to be some smooth magnetic field rotations during about 02-20 UT on Dec 2. However, the peak total field strength is only about 7 nT, quite weak. The Bz south reaches only about 3 nT.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-12-02T00:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) 3.00 30.0 2020-11-30T08:00Z 37.00 Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 5.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-12-02T00:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) 3.00 50.0 2020-11-30T09:42Z 35.30 Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 6.0
Other (SIDC) Yaireska Collado (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-02T05:31Z 8.52 ---- 2020-11-30T10:46Z 34.23 ---- CAT-PUMA Jiajia Liu (QUB) Detail
2020-12-03T00:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) 27.00 ---- 2020-11-30T12:30Z 32.50 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (NOAA/SWPC) Yaireska Collado (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-02T02:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) 5.00 ---- 2020-11-30T21:35Z 23.42 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Yaireska Collado (M2M Office) Detail
2020-12-01T00:10Z (-9.0h, +12.0h) -20.83 ---- 2020-11-30T22:00Z 23.00 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-12-01T21:13Z (-9.0h, +9.0h) 0.22 ---- 2020-11-30T22:15Z 22.75 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-12-02T09:00Z 12.00 ---- 2020-12-01T21:22Z -0.37 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (KSWC) RWC Jeju (KSWC) Detail
2020-12-02T01:44Z 4.73 40.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.5 - 4.75
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-12-02T01:00Z 4.00 40.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.5 - 4.5
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-11-22T01:36:00-CME-001
This CME was not detected at Earth!
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: This CME is associated with an eruption showing dimming to the NE and SW of AR 2783 starting around 2020-11-21T15:20Z. Rising field lines associated with this event are visible in SDO AIA 171/193 near S35E15. The leading edge of this CME is faintly visible in SOHO LASCO C2 coronagraph imagery as early as 2020-11-22T01:36Z. The visibility of this CME in SOHO LASCO C2 is obscured by the emergence of a nearly simultaneous CME also associated with this eruption from AR 2783.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-11-26T16:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- ---- 2020-11-23T21:47Z 66.22 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Michelangelo Romano (M2M Office) Detail
2020-11-26T04:06Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- ---- 2020-11-25T07:30Z 20.60 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-11-26T10:03Z ---- ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-11-26T10:03Z ---- ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-10-27T03:39:00-CME-001
Actual Shock Arrival Time: 2020-11-01T08:41Z
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
Max Kp: 3.0
CME Note: This CME is associated with a filament eruption from N30E10 of the Earth-facing disk shortly after 2020.10.26T22:30Z and can be seen in all SDO imagery. The strongest darkening can be seen in SDO 193 and 211 between 2020.10.26T22:30Z and 2020.10.27T01:33Z. Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla: I see clear flux rope signatures on Nov 1-2. The whole structure duration is 11/01 ~12:00 UT to 11/02 ~6:00 UT. The maximum magnetic field strength would be less than 10 nT, but it is higher than the average of the ambient magnetic field. There is a smooth and coherent change in the magnetic field direction with signatures of internal complexity. Low temperature, density and signatures of expansion in the solar wind bulk velocity. This is probably a streamer blowout.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-11-01T00:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) -8.68 ---- 2020-10-27T22:57Z 105.73 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Austin Skipper (GSFC) Detail
2020-11-01T01:00Z -7.68 ---- 2020-10-28T12:31Z 92.17 ---- Other (SIDC) Colin Komar (M2M Office) Detail
2020-10-30T15:00Z -41.68 ---- 2020-10-28T14:19Z 90.37 Max Kp Range: 5.0 - 6.0
Dst min. in nT: -73
Dst min. time: 2020-10-31T07:00Z
Anemomilos WKent Tobiska (SET SWD) Detail
2020-10-30T21:00Z (-9.0h, +9.0h) -35.68 40.0 2020-10-28T15:30Z 89.18 Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-10-29T18:45Z -61.93 ---- 2020-10-28T17:24Z 87.28 ---- SPM2 Xinhua Zhao (NSSC CAS) Detail
2020-10-30T23:57Z -32.73 ---- 2020-10-28T17:28Z 87.22 ---- SPM Xinhua Zhao (NSSC CAS) Detail
2020-10-30T20:41Z (-3.0h, +9.0h) -36.00 ---- 2020-10-29T07:30Z 73.18 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-10-31T00:37Z -32.07 40.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 4.0 - 5.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-10-30T21:00Z -35.68 40.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 4.0 - 5.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-08-16T18:24:00-CME-001
This CME was not detected at Earth!
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: The source is a large prominence eruption near S30E25 in SDO imagery, occurring around 2020-08-16T17:01Z; the eruption is observed in SDO/AIA 94, 131, 171, 193, 211, 304Å. A B1.2 flare measured by GOES-Primary that starts at 2020-08-16T17:01Z and peaks at 2020-08-16T17:26Z.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-08-20T03:00Z (-9.0h, +9.0h) ---- 60.0 2020-08-17T14:55Z 60.08 Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 5.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-08-20T02:00Z ---- ---- 2020-08-17T15:33Z 58.45 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone Colin Komar (M2M Office) Detail
2020-08-19T22:32Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- ---- 2020-08-17T17:18Z 53.23 Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Colin Komar (M2M Office) Detail
2020-08-19T18:30Z (-7.58h, +6.35h) ---- 100.0 2020-08-17T20:25Z 46.08 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Ensemble WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Michelangelo Romano (M2M Office) Detail
2020-08-20T05:48Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- 50.0 2020-08-18T08:00Z 45.80 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-08-19T15:54Z ---- ---- 2020-08-18T09:45Z 30.15 Max Kp Range: 3.5 - 4.0
SARM Marlon Nunez (UMA) Detail
2020-08-19T20:00Z ---- ---- 2020-08-18T12:37Z 31.38 ---- Other (SIDC) Michelangelo Romano (M2M Office) Detail
2020-08-19T21:30Z ---- ---- 2020-08-18T15:49Z 29.68 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (NOAA/SWPC) Michelangelo Romano (M2M Office) Detail
2020-08-19T22:39Z ---- 70.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.58333 - 4.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-08-19T22:01Z ---- 60.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.5 - 4.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-07-19T09:36:00-CME-001
Actual Shock Arrival Time: 2020-07-24T00:18Z
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-07-24T12:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) 11.70 30.0 2020-07-20T12:40Z 83.63 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-07-23T13:02Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) -11.27 20.0 2020-07-21T08:00Z 64.30 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-07-24T00:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) -0.30 ---- 2020-07-21T15:14Z 57.07 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Michelangelo Romano (M2M Office) Detail
2020-07-24T00:20Z 0.03 25.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-07-24T00:00Z -0.30 25.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-07-09T01:24:00-CME-001
Actual Shock Arrival Time: 2020-07-13T20:35Z
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
Max Kp: 4.0
CME Note: This event is associated with a filament eruption visible between S30E05 and S30W25 in SDO AIA 193 imagery starting around 2020-07-08T20:32Z. Opening field lines corresponding to this event can also be seen on the SW limb of STEREO A EUVI 195 starting at 2020-07-08T09:05Z. The CME appears as a gradual brightening in the western streamer of STEREO A COR2 and later as a partial halo (southward) in SOHO LASCO C2/C3.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-07-14T14:00Z 17.42 ---- 2020-07-10T05:30Z 87.08 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (KSWC) RWC Jeju (KSWC) Detail
2020-07-13T21:21Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) 0.77 ---- 2020-07-10T08:30Z 84.08 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-07-14T03:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) 6.42 ---- 2020-07-15T16:17Z -43.70 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Colin Komar (M2M Office) Detail
2020-07-14T04:47Z 8.20 ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-07-14T03:00Z 6.42 ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-07-05T17:24:00-CME-001
Actual Shock Arrival Time: 2020-07-09T15:50Z
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: The start time of the CME was changed as seen on SOHO LASCO. There were two CMEs, an earlier one headed towards STA that overlaps with this event that was seen around 2020-07-05T14:24Z. CME arrival date/time is not certain as there are two potential flux ropes. From Lan Jian “First CME short and weak, arrived at around 20:45 UT on July 8. Another flux rope seen in the second half day of July 9, with slightly stronger peak magnetic field strength around 15:50UT.”
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-07-09T13:00Z -2.83 ---- 2020-07-07T04:00Z 59.83 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (KSWC) RWC Jeju (KSWC) Detail
2020-07-09T13:37Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) -2.22 ---- 2020-07-07T08:00Z 55.83 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-07-09T06:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) -9.83 ---- 2020-07-15T16:12Z -144.37 Max Kp Range: 1.0 - 3.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Colin Komar (M2M Office) Detail
2020-07-09T10:52Z -4.97 ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 1.0 - 3.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-07-09T13:00Z -2.83 ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 1.0 - 3.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-05-26T00:39:00-CME-001
Actual Shock Arrival Time: 2020-05-29T22:00Z
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: Speculative source location is a brightening at the edge of the northern extension of the southern polar coronal hole. A faint ripple is visible in the western streamer in C2/C3 but this was not used for measuring. Shock arrival time description from Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla: I think it is a flux rope followed by a high speed stream. I can see a magnetic field red-component rotation with polarity south-to-north. The blue y-component is mostly south. The solar wind speed within the structure is increasing, a signature of compression and also consistent with the changes in the red z-magnetic field component at the front of the structure. The structure is followed by an increase in magnetic field, proton temperature and solar wind speed.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-05-30T00:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) 2.00 ---- 2020-05-26T17:44Z 76.27 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Eframir Franco (GSFC) Detail
2020-05-30T08:05Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) 10.08 10.0 2020-05-28T08:30Z 37.50 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-05-29T02:27Z -19.55 ---- 2020-05-28T08:59Z 37.02 ---- SPM2 Xinhua Zhao (NSSC CAS) Detail
2020-05-31T04:15Z 30.25 ---- 2020-05-28T09:02Z 36.97 ---- SPM Xinhua Zhao (NSSC CAS) Detail
2020-05-30T03:41Z 5.68 10.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-05-30T04:02Z 6.03 10.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 3.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-04-27T13:54:00-CME-001
This CME was not detected at Earth!
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: The source is a filament eruption in the north east (N20E40) of SDO AIA 304 starting around 2020-04-27T09:15Z. The CME produced seems to be more deflected to the south as seen on the STA coronagraphs.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-05-01T18:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- ---- 2020-04-28T11:39Z 78.35 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Yaireska Collado (M2M Office) Detail
2020-05-01T16:35Z ---- ---- 2020-04-30T08:00Z 32.58 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-05-02T00:00Z ---- ---- 2020-05-01T12:32Z 11.47 ---- Other (SIDC) Yaireska Collado (M2M Office) Detail
2020-05-01T19:31Z ---- ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-05-01T18:00Z ---- ---- --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-03-02T20:00:00-CME-001
Actual Shock Arrival Time: 2020-03-06T14:00Z
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
CME Note: From Teresa Nieves-Chinchilla: The in-situ observations exhibit two coherent magnetic structures with monotonic changes in the magnetic field profile. Possibly, they could be the traces of streamer blow outs. Remote sensing observations are required to fully identify and characterize the structures. The first one arrives on march 6, around 14 hrs UT and last for 10 hrs. It is a coherent structure without clear rotation in the magnetic field rotation but low temperature. The second structure displays a magnetic field rotation and low temperature flux rope signatures. It starts around 14 hrs UT and last for 13 hrs.
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-03-07T00:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) 10.00 ---- 2020-03-03T11:51Z 74.15 Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) M Crawford (GSFC) Detail
2020-03-07T12:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) 22.00 20.0 2020-03-03T18:00Z 68.00 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-03-06T21:06Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) 7.10 20.0 2020-03-03T21:30Z 64.50 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-03-06T12:00Z (-10.0h, +10.0h) -2.00 ---- 2020-03-04T05:53Z 56.12 Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (BoM) Duty Forecaster (ASWFC) Detail
2020-03-10T06:43Z (-25.5h, +25.5h) 88.72 1.8 2020-03-04T14:45Z 47.25 ---- ELEvoHI Tanja Amerstorfer (ASWO) Detail
2020-03-07T15:09Z 25.15 13.9333 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.66667 - 4.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-03-07T00:00Z 10.00 20.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 4.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-02-28T17:00:00-CME-001
Actual Shock Arrival Time: 2020-03-04T18:00Z
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-03-04T12:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) -6.00 20.0 2020-03-03T18:00Z 24.00 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-03-04T01:30Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) -16.50 10.0 2020-03-03T20:30Z 21.50 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-03-04T06:45Z -11.25 15.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-03-04T06:45Z -11.25 15.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-01-25T18:00:00-CME-001
This CME was not detected at Earth!
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-01-29T04:00Z ---- 30.0 2020-01-25T18:00Z 82.00 Max Kp Range: 5.0 - 6.0
Dst min. in nT: -55
Dst min. time: 2020-01-29T17:00Z
Anemomilos WKent Tobiska (SET SWD) Detail
2020-01-29T16:52Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- 10.0 2020-01-26T20:42Z 68.17 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-01-30T06:00Z ---- 50.0 2020-01-27T00:53Z 77.12 Max Kp Range: 3.0 - 5.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-01-29T04:00Z ---- ---- 2020-01-31T17:08Z -61.13 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Kelly French (GSFC) Detail
2020-01-29T13:43Z ---- 30.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 4.0 - 5.5
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-01-29T10:26Z ---- 30.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 4.0 - 5.5
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-01-14T10:00:00-CME-001
This CME was not detected at Earth!
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-01-18T06:00Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- ---- 2020-01-15T17:09Z 60.85 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (GSFC SWRC) Anna Chulaki (M2M Office) Detail
2020-01-19T06:00Z (-12.0h, +12.0h) ---- 30.0 2020-01-16T08:50Z 69.17 Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-01-18T15:29Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- 20.0 2020-01-17T00:25Z 39.07 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-01-18T17:09Z ---- 25.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-01-18T15:29Z ---- 25.0 --- --- Max Kp Range: 2.0 - 4.0
Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

CME: 2020-01-06T00:01:00-CME-001
This CME was not detected at Earth!
Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters:
Predicted Shock Arrival Time Difference (hrs) Confidence (%) Submitted On Lead Time (hrs) Predicted Geomagnetic Storm Parameter(s) Method Submitted By
2020-01-09T21:00Z (-9.0h, +6.0h) ---- 40.0 2020-01-07T04:30Z 64.50 ---- WSA-ENLIL + Cone (Met Office) Met Office (Met Office) Detail
2020-01-09T21:58Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) ---- 20.0 2020-01-07T08:30Z 61.47 ---- EAM (Effective Acceleration Model) Evangelos Paouris (JHUAPL) Detail
2020-01-13T16:22Z (-32.0h, +32.0h) ---- 30.0 2020-01-08T16:56Z 119.43 ---- ELEvoHI Tanja Amerstorfer (ASWO) Detail
2020-01-10T05:24Z ---- ---- 2020-01-09T05:42Z 23.70 ---- SPM Xinhua Zhao (NSSC CAS) Detail
2020-01-10T22:11Z ---- 30.0 --- --- ---- Average of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail
2020-01-10T01:41Z ---- 30.0 --- --- ---- Median of all Methods Auto Generated (CCMC) Detail

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